Information / Label


Widerstand Records is an independent Austrian record label specialized in experimental electronic music of all sorts. Some call it a “Breakcore” label, but that’s only true if you define the term as a strategy, open to all sorts of (dark, sick) electronic music. Widerstand was set up by producers Eiterherd and Gwal in Graz, Austria, in October 1996. In March 1997 the sublabel Silent Revolution Records was founded.


The first release on Widerstand Records came out in October 1996 and was a limited split 12″ featuring Gwal and Eiterherd. The two following releases came out in early 1997 and were solo 12″ EPs by Gwal and Eiterherd. In 1999 Eiterherd released his first full-length album as a co- production with Praxis Records.

In 1998 Gwal and Eiterherd split up and Gwal founded his own label Dusk Records while Eiterherd continued to manage Widerstand Records.

Eiterherd is also responsible for the maintenance and design of the website, online since late 1997, providing a forum for breakcore fans, a download section and news and info about politics and activism. The community-driven website was most active from late 2001 until 2007, when Eiterherd decided to discontinue to maintain it. Also, the forum on the Widerstand site was a popular meeting point for underground artists. Alongside the legendary forum of, which is still online.

In 2002 another sublabel was created by Eiterherd: The concept of the label was and is to release tracks anonymously.

Record releases continued on Widerstand until 2008 when the 2x12inch album by Fanny was the last release managed by label founder Eiterherd. Since then Widerstand has been discontinued.

In 2011 Widerstand celebrated the 15th anniversary with a proper party in Graz. National Radio FM4 Austria did a special show on Widerstand on the day of the party, featuring an interview with Eiterherd and sets by Kovert and Christoph Fringeli.

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Now, in 2013, there’s good news from Widerstand. The label will continue. Ab-Hinc aka. Opcion, an artist from the early days of the label is managing a new release featuring remixes of the legendary Widerstand 04 release by Ab-Hinc.

Eiterherd is working to bring back the legendary forum as well as some features of the community, hence the new widerstand site is based on a different CMS than back in the olde days :)


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