Much Ado about Nothing — Whither the Caspian Riches?
Over the Last 24 Months Hoped For Caspian Oil Bonanza Has Vanished .. With Each New Well Drilled — Global Implications Are Frightening
by Dale Allen Pfeiffer, FTW Contributing Editor for Energy
[Ed. Note: The unfolding drama since 9-11-01 has been closely paralleled by another, perhaps more threatening one. Evolving more quietly, unmentioned and ignored by the major media, is a coming hydrocarbon energy crisis of civilization-threatening significance. Peak oil production is a reality, and it is happening now. What was once heralded as an oil bonanza in Central Asia — and given life by ludicrous economic and political assertions insisting that demand always creates supply — has proven itself to be an enormous bust. As Caspian reserve estimates have been continually revised lower — from 200 billion barrels, to 100 billion barrels, to around 20 billion barrels — the world has witnessed a dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy toward belligerent and unilateral doctrines aimed at Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In the meantime, both politicians and economists perpetuate a dangerous fallacy which says that if you lock scientists up in a bank vault and give them enough money and enough demand, they can produce a hot dog with mustard and relish.
And conversion to hydrogen energy, as promoted by the Department of Energy, is an impractical myth; a palliative meant to calm fears rather than solve problems. Not until technolgies are made available which manufacture hydrogen at the point of use will hydrogen technolgies present even a viable partial solution for the critical challenges posed by peak oil.
As FTW has said for more than a year, the “war which will not end in our lifetimes” is proving itself to be a sequential war to control the last remaining oil reserves on the planet, especially those which have not yet peaked. – MCR]
Dec. 5, 2002, 16:00 PST (FTW) — What ever happened to all the talk of a new oil
utopia in the Caspian Sea and Central Asia? Word was that Caspian-Central Asian oil reserves would dwarf the Middle East.
read THE FULL STORY here:
One response to “Much Ado about Nothing”
its sad to see what has been happening to the caspian. the environmental situation is terrible and it doesn’t seem it will improve as all the war hawks want every last drop of oil. its a unique sea and not to mention it has the highest concentration of mud volcanoes in the world, something i would like to see one day.