Strong British anti-war/bush movement

Coalition organises for emergency action when US strikes Iraq – Blair is isolated in Europe and Britain

Anti-war protests will spread

As global alarm about the US’s nuclear hitlist grows, and US Vice Preisdent Dick Cheney meets with Tony Blair, the Stop the War Coalition is launching a major campaign of protest activities against the planned attack on Iraq, including calls for an emergency stoppages in workplaces and colleges when a strike is launched.

“Opposition to the planned attack on Iraq is growing across all sections of the British population,” said Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition convenor. “In response to the call made by Tony Benn at the 20,000 strong Stop the War demonstration on 2 March, we’re seeking support for a pledge to stop work, leave classes or take other emergency action on the day the US and Britain launch their attack.

“We’re also building support for the major national demonstration called by CND for 30 March. It’s vital that we sustain the pressure on Blair, who is isolated in Europe and in Britain in his all-out support for George W Bush.

“We are organising a series of public rallies in major cities across the country, as well as workplace petitions and trade union resolutions.

“The war against terrorism has already proved a disaster for the people of Afghanistan and threatens to engulf the world in violence. The revelation of US plans for the deployment of nuclear weapons against countries without nuclear capabilities and in battlefield situations has rightly spread alarm world-wide. We here in Britain can help put an end to this madness by making clear again and again that on this issue Tony Blair does not speak for us.”

For more information call Andrew Murray (Chair, StWC) on 0777 376 4455 or Lindsey German (Convenor, StWC) on 07810 540584.